Zyrca Collection Grandeur Jumbo Shampoo Cape * Item: #52/5200 * Starlight Purple
If you are looking for top recommended product, then Zyrca Collection Grandeur Jumbo Shampoo Cape * Item: #52/5200 * Starlight Purple is our suggestion. Many good reviews already is prove of the quality of this product. The Zyrca Collection Grandeur Jumbo Shampoo Cape * Item: #52/5200 * Starlight Purple completed with a lot of capabilities which makes it great product, with interisting price and features
* Extra large cape protects clients during all salon processes. * Soft nylon neckline with extra strong velcro closure. * Extra large 45" x 54". * 20" Neck * Waterproof and stain resistant. * Color: STARLIGHT PURPLE (shown in Eggplant color) * Made in U.S.A. **** Item: #52/5200
Product Features
Soft nylon neckline with extra strong velcro closure
Extra large 45" x 54" Protects Clients During all Salon Processes
Waterproof and Stain Resistant
20" Neck
Made in USA * Color: Starlight Purple * Item: #52/5200
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Now available Zyrca Collection Grandeur Jumbo Shampoo Cape * Item: #52/5200 * Starlight Purple with cheap price:
Price: $4.50
(Notice: Price Can be Changed Anytime)